Supported tags: a, author, b, body, bookmark, br, cell, circle, column, div, font, footer, head, header, img, keywords, line, multicell, page, pdml, rect, rotate, script, subject, title, u
Defines a link or local reference. Can be used anywhere within a <body> element except in a <multicell> element
Modifier | Description |
name | Defines a local anchor |
href | Defines a link |
<a name="here">This is a local anchor</a> <a href="#here">This ia a local link</a> <a href="http://pdml2.sf.net">This is an external link</a>
Defines the author of the document. Can be used in a <head> element.
<pdml> <head> <author>Casalogic</author> </head> ...
Sets the font weight to bold. Can be used anywhere within a <body> element except in a <multicell> element
This would be <b>bold</b> in your pdf document.
The <body> tag is used to mark the start and end of the documents body - e.g. the content of the document. It must be used only once within the <pdml> tag.
<pdml> <head> <title>Mytitle</title> </head> <body> ..content.. </body> </pdml>
The <br> tag forces a line break. Can be used anywhere within a <body> element except in a <multicell> element
Modifier | Description |
height | Sets the height of the line. Defaults to the size of the current font. |
<!-- This would result in two lines --> Line1<br>Line2
Defines a single line of text. Can have a border, background, position and alignment. This is used mostly to create tables and position single text elements precisely. Can be used anywhere within a <body> element except in a <cell> or <multicell> element.
Modifier | Description |
left | Left margin. Defines the distance to the left side of the paper. Defaults to the current position in the document. |
top | Top margin. Defines the distance to the top of the paper. Defaults to the current position in the document. |
width | Width of the cell. Defaults to the reminder of space on the page. |
height | Height of the cell. Defaults to the reminder of the space on the page. |
color | When set indicate that a border is needed and this margin. Defines the distance to the left side of the paper. Defaults to the current position in the document. |
fillcolor | Background color. Defaults to transparent. |
next | [ right | bottom | break ]. Define where the flow will continue after this cell. Defaults to right. Often used to create tables, where the break option are used to cause a new row. |
align | Alignment of the content in the cell. Defaults to left. |
.. <body> .. <!-- single cell element with red background and blue border --> <cell top="5" left="5" border="#0000ff" fillcolor="#ff0000">Single cell</cell> .. <!-- Small 2x2 table --> <cell>upper-left</cell><cell next="break">upper-right</cell> <cell>lower-left</cell><cell next="break">lower-right</cell> ..
Draws a circle. Can be used anywhere within the <body> elemement.
Modifier | Description |
from | X,Y. Circle center. |
radius | Circle radius. |
color | Circle border color. Default is black. |
fillcolor. | Fillcolor (background). Default is black. |
border | Border width. Defaults to 0.2mm. |
<circle from="5cm,5cm" radius="4cm">
Starts a multi-column layout. This element can be used anywhere within a <body> element, except insider a <cell> or a <multicell> element.
Modifier | Description |
left | Left margin. Defaults to current position in the document. |
top | Top margin. Defaults to current position in the document. |
count | Number of columns. Defaults to two. |
width | The width of the columns. Default is to use the remaining width of the page devided by number of columns (count). |
height | The height of the columns. Default is to use the remaining height of the page. |
break | [ page | line ]. if set to 'page', a new page starts everytime all columns are filled. if set to 'line', start a new row under the current one. |
spacing | width between columns. Only meaningfull if break is set to 'line'. |
Defines a text element that can have border, background, position and size etc. This element can be used anywhere within a <body> element, except insider a <cell> or a <multicell> element.
Modifier | Description |
left | Left margin. Defines the distance to the left side of the paper. Defaults to the current position in the document. |
top | Top margin. Defines the distance to the top of the paper. Defaults to the current position in the document. |
width | Width of the cell. Defaults to the reminder of space on the page. |
height | Height of the cell. Defaults to the reminder of the space on the page. |
color | When set indicate that a border is needed and this margin. Defines the distance to the left side of the paper. Defaults to the current position in the document. |
fillcolor | Background color. Defaults to transparent. |
.. <div fillcolor="#a1b2c3">Text on colored background</div> ..
Used to draw an ellipse. Can be used anywhere within the <body> element.
Modifier | Description |
from | X,Y. Ellipse center. |
xradius | Ellipse X radius. |
yradius | Ellipse Y radius. |
color | Circle border color. Default is black. |
fillcolor. | Fillcolor (background). Default is black. |
border | Border width. Defaults to 0.2mm. |
<ellipse from="8cm,8cm" xradius="4cm" yradius="2cm">
Used to specify the font family, size and color that is used for the text. This element can be used anywhere within a <body> element, except insider a <multicell> element.
Modifier | Description |
face | Sets the font family. |
color | Sets the color of the font |
size | Sets the font size. |
.. <font size="10pt">This would be text size 20pt - rather large</font> ..
This is a special element to create a footer on the page. Instead of being rendered directly it is saved until the end of the page is reached, then it is added to the page. It is often used together with the <multicell> element, that can be placed more precisely.
<pdml> <body> Body tekst <footer> ---------------------- This is my footer </footer> </body> </pdml>
This element is not rendered directly. It is placed just after the starting <pdml> element and can be used to specify some document information like author and title.
<pdml> <head> <author>Casalogic</author> </head> <body> ..
The <header> element is not rendered direcly. Instead it is saved until a new page starts and it is then added to the page top. It can be used anywhere inside the <body> element except in a <cell> or <multicell> element.
.. <body> <header>--- This is my header ---</header> .. some content ... <page> ..
You can use this tag to insert images into your pdf file. It can be used anywhere within a <body> element except in a <cell> or <multicell> element.
Modifier | Description |
src | Mandatory. You must specify this option as the path and filename to your image. |
left | Left margin. Distance to the left side of the page. |
top | Top margin. Distance to the top of the page. |
width | Width of the image. |
height | Height of the image. |
.. <img src="logo.jpg" top="10" left="10"> ..
With this tag you can specify some keywords that descripe your document. It must be placed within the <head> tags.
<pdml> <head> <keywords>pdml2, pdf, hmtl-like, library, php</keywords> </head> ..
Modifier | Description |
from | X1,Y1. Defines the starting point for the line. |
to | X2,Y2. Defines the end point for the line. |
color | The color for the line. |
width | The width of the line. |
.. <!-- horizontal, red line --> <line from="10,10" to="50,10" color="#ff0000"> <!-- vertical, blue line --> <line from="10,10" to="10,50" color="#0000ff"> ..
Works line the <cell> tag, except that it can span several lines.
Modifier | Description |
left | Left margin. Defines the distance to the left side of the paper. Defaults to the current position in the document. |
top | Top margin. Defines the distance to the top of the paper. Defaults to the current position in the document. |
width | Width of the cell. Defaults to the reminder of space on the page. |
inter | Defines space between lines. |
color | When set indicate that a border is needed and this margin. Defines the distance to the left side of the paper. Defaults to the current position in the document. |
fillcolor | Background color. Defaults to transparent. |
next | [ right | bottom | break ]. Define where the flow will continue after this cell. Defaults to right. Often used to create tables, where the break option are used to cause a new row. |
align | Alignment of the content in the cell. Defaults to left. |
.. <multicell top="10" left="10"> This is line 1 This is line 2 </multicell> ..
Modifier | Description |
orientation | [ landscape ]. Sets the orientation of the page. Defaults to Portrait. |
.. <body> <page> This is page 1 <page> This is page 2 </body> ..
Defines the start and end of your pdf document. The <pdml> tag must be the first tag and </pdml> the last tag.
<pdml> <head> <title>Welcome to Pdml2</title> </head> <body> <page> This is page one <page> This is page two </body> </pdml>
Draws a rectangle. Can be used anywhere inside the <body> element, except inside a <cell> or <multicell> element.
Modifier | Description |
from | X1,Y2. Start point for the rectangle (upper-left corner). Defaults to current location in the document. |
left | Sets distance to left side of the page. This is depreciated. Use the from modifier. |
top | Sets distance to the top of the page. This is depreciated. Use the from modifier. |
to | X2,Y2. Sets the end point of the rectangle. |
width | Width and height can be used in sted of the to modifier. |
height | Width and height can be used in sted of the to modifier. |
color | Sets the border color. Defaults to black. |
fillcolor | Sets the fill (background) color. Defaults to black. |
border | Sets the border width. Defaults to 0.2mm |
.. <rect width="50" height="50"> ..
Modifier | Description |
angle | Sets the angle in degrees. Values from 0 to 360. Defaults to 45 degrees. |
center | X,Y. If defined, specifies a point around which the content is centered. Remember to define you units - otherwise it might not work as you expect. |
<rotate center="3cm,3cm" angle="270" >0123456789876543210</rotate>
Allows for the inclusion of Javascript.
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The <subject> tag can be used within the <head> tag to specify the subject of the document.
.. <head> <subject>Mysubject</subject> </head> ..